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Prof Vincent Tse
Concord Repatriation General Hospital

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Vincent Tse

ICS Member

Qualifications:Staff Member Chairman of Department/Section
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Dr Vincent Tse is an urologist at Concord Hospital and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Sydney. He completed a fellowship in Incontinence, Neurourology, and Female and Reconstructive Urology at the University of California Davis Medical Center under the mentorship of Professor Anthony Stone (Chair of ICS 2009, San Francisco). His current clinical and research interests include post-prostatectomy incontinence, OAB, quality of life outcomes in female and male sling surgery, botulinum toxin, bladder ultrastructure, as well as urethral stricture and pelvic organ prolapse. His work on these topics has been represented in international scientific meetings, peer-reviewed journals, review articles, book chapters, as well as multimedia web-based fora such as BJUI Knowledge. He pioneered the conjoint bi-national OAB Guidelines for Australia and New Zealand in 2016 , and is the current Chair of the Functional Urology section of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ). He is a past president of the Pan-Pacific Continence Society (PPCS) and also of the Continence Foundation of Australia (CFA) in the state of NSW. He holds a Master of Surgery from the University of Sydney with a thesis titled “The Application of Detrusor Ultrastructural Studies in the Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Bladder Dysfunction”. He had been an invited speaker and surgeon both nationally and abroad. In 1998, he was awarded ‘Best Surgical Teacher of the Year’ by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) in Canberra. DR Tse is an active member of ICS, AUA, SUFU, Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand, and Continence Foundation of Australia.

Curriculum Vitae



  1. Concord Repatriation General Hospital, NSW ( Main university hospital appointment )
  2. Macquarie University Hospital, NSW ( second university hosspital appointment )
  3. Westmead Hospital, NSW, Honorary Visiting Urologist
  4. Western General Hospital, Melbourne, Honorary Visiting Urologist, VIC
  5. Epworth Richmond Private Hospital, Visiting Urologist, Melbourne, VIC


Honorary Consultant Urologist, Department of Urology, Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong, 2015 to Present



Concord Hospital Clinical School – University of Sydney, Australia
Macquarie University Hospital, Faculty of Health Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia


  1. Co-apted Member, Subcommittee on Male LUTS, Standardization and Terminology Committee, ICS
  2. Member, Transvaginal Mesh Reference Committee, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC)
  3. Member, Female SUI Decision Aid Committee, Agency for Clinical Innovations (ACI)
  4. Urology Training Supervisor, Concord Hospital, NSW Regional Training Committee, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 2015-2019


Male and Female Urinary incontinence
Female Urology and Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery, including Robotics
Urethral Stricture Disease and Urethral Reconstructive Surgery
Lower Urinary Tract Reconstructive surgery

2003 Visiting Assistant Professor and Fellowship
Urodynamics, Female Urology, Neurourology and Reconstruction
University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, USA
( Mentor : Professor Anthony Stone )

2002 Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons – in Urology (FRACS)

2001 Master of Surgery (by Research & Thesis)
University of Sydney

1992 Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
University of New South Wales
Honours Class 2


1992 – Current AHPRA Medical Board
(MPO 278884)

1992 - Current Medical Council of Hong Kong (M09036)


2013 Accredited Robotic Surgeon ( September 2013 )
Strathfield Private Hospital, Sydney
Macquarie University Hospital, Sydney

Robotic Surgery Certificate, da Vinci SI System ( March 2013 )
Intuitive Surgical Inc., Sunnyvale, California, USA

2001 HIC Urology Specialist Certification in Urology

2000 Laser Safety Certificate

Fluoroscopy and Radiation Safety Certificate


2002 – 03 Visiting Assistant Professor

University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, USA

	Fellowship in Urodynamics, Female Urology, Neuro-urology and Reconstruction 

Mentor : Professor Anthony Stone

1998-2001 Advanced Surgical Trainee in Urology, RACS

Canberra Hospital – Year 1
Concord Hospital – Year 2
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital – Year 3
Prince of Wales Hospital – Year 4

1997 Master of Surgery, University of Sydney
By Research and Thesis
Clinical Application of Detrusor Ultrastructural Studies in the Diagnosis of Bladder Dysfunction
Supervisor : Prof. Mohamed Khadra, Assoc Prof. Pierre Chapuis

1995-1996 Registrar in General Surgery

St. George Hospital and Illawarra Health Service

1992-94 Basic Surgical Trainee - Concord Hospital and its affiliates


2015 – Present Chair, Female and Functional Urology Section, Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ)

2018-2019 14th President, Pan-Pacific Continence Society ( PPCS )

2015-2018 Chair, Continence Foundation of Australia , NSW Section


Current Financial Member Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ)
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons ( RACS)
American Urological Association (AUA)
International Continence Society (ICS)
Continence Foundation of Australia (CFA)
Society for Urodynamics Female Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU)
Urogynaecological Society of Australasia (UGSA)

2018 Advisory Board Member
Astellas Global Advisory Board member, Miami, Florida, USA

2017 Standardization and Terminology Committee
Male LUTS Sub-Committee
International Continence Society

Transvaginal Mesh Reference Committee
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC)

Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand

Bid Committee Member and Scientific Co-chair
ICS Annual Meeting 2021, Melbourne

Scientific Committee
Continence Foundation of Australia, Annual Meeting

International Convention Center, Sydney, November 2017

2017 Advisory Board Member
Ferring - Sydney

July 2014 – Mar 2017 Chairman, Research Grant Advisory Committee
Australian Bladder Foundation (est. 1995)

2013- 2018 Chairman
Continence Foundation of Australia in NSW

Sub-Section Editor on Acquired Voiding Dysfunction
Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports, Springer, USA

2013-2014 Advisory Board Member
Asia-Pacific, Astellas
Global Affairs, Astellas

2011 Advisory Board Member
Asia-Pacific, Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity, Allergan

2010 Co-Chair, Bid Committee
International Continence Society ( ICS )
Annual Scientific Meeting for 2015 , Sydney

2008 – 2016 Editorial Committee
Australia and New Zealand Continence Journal

2007 – 2013 Scientific Committee
International Society for Pelviperineology ( ISPP ) Annual Meeting

2006 – Present Member
Female Urology Special Advisory Group, USANZ

2005 Advisory Board Committee – MaynePharma



  1. Multidisciplinary Care of Urinary Incontinence - A Handbook for Health Professionals

By Lewis Chan and Vincent Tse ( Eds ), Springer-Verlag, London, United Kingdom 2012

  1. Pelvic Floor Ultrasound – Principles, Applications, and Case Studies

By Lewis Chan and Vincent Tse (Eds), Springer-Verlag, London, United Kingdom 2015


  1. Practical Application of Ultrasound in Pelvic Organ Prolapse
    L Chan V Tse
    Chapter 6, In Pelvic Floor Ultrasound – Principles, Applications, and Case Studies
    By Lewis Chan and Vincent Tse (Eds), Springer-Verlag, London, United Kingdom 2015

  2. Ultrasound Imaging in Assessment of the Male Patient with Voiding Dysfunction
    L Chan T Jarvis S Baptist V Tse
    Chapter 4, In Pelvic Floor Ultrasound – Principles, Applications, and Case Studies.
    By Lewis Chan and Vincent Tse (Eds), Springer-Verlag, London, United Kingdom 2015

  3. Use of the Artificial Urinary Sphincter in the Management of Severe Sphincter Deficiency Incontinence in the Female

  1. Tse Li-Tsa Koh
    Chapter 21, In Understanding Female Urinary Incontinence and Master Management. Eds. P. Trivedi and A. Rane, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2013, New Delhi, p.208-215
  1. Concomitant Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence: Concepts and Management Strategies
  1. Esler V. Tse
    Chapter 13 - In Urinary Incontinence: Causes, Epidemiology and Treatment. Ed. E. Chung. Nova Science Publishing Inc. New York, 2013, p195-204
  1. The Patient with Neurological Problems
    Chan, L., Raykar, V., So, K., Tse, V.
    In: Multidisciplinary Care of Urinary Incontinence. (p69-82).United Kingdom: Springer-Verlag, 2013

  2. Practical Anatomy and Physiology of Urinary Continence
    Kwok, D., Tse, V., Chan, L. (2013),
    In: Multidisciplinary Care of Urinary Incontinence. (p7-18).United Kingdom: Springer-Verlag, 2013

  3. The Female Patient
    Tse, V., Collins, R., Perkins, J., So, K., Medd, J.
    In: Multidisciplinary Care of Urinary Incontinence. (p.31-46).United Kingdom: Springer- Verlag, 2013

  4. Peripheral Neuropathies ( lumbosacral zoster, genitourinary herpes, Guillain-Barre syndrome, tabes dorsalis )

  1. Tse A.R. Stone
    Chapter 20 : Neurological Pathologies Responsible For the Development of the Neurogenic Bladder, Neurogenic Bladder – Adults and Children Part III,
    Ed. J. Corcos, E. Schick, Dunitz, London, 2014
  1. Trouble Shooting the Problematic Patient After Conduit Urinary Diversion
  1. Tse
    Chapter 38 : Urinary Diversion – Scientific Foundations and Clinical Practice, 2nd Edition, Eds. K. Kreder, A. Stone, Taylor and Francis, London, 2005


  1. The Fascial Pubovaginal Sling : An Update in 2019

Plagakis S Tse V

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, August 13, 2019, e-pub

  1. Voiding Dysfunction in Older Men

Chung, A., Noguchi, N., Chan, L., Tse, V

Current Opinions in Urology, 2016, 26(2), 177-183

  1. Pelvic Irradiation and Its Effects on the Lower Urinary Tract: a Literature Review

Gomes, C., Nunes, R., Tse, V

Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports, 2015, 10(3), 295-302

  1. Management of Urinary Incontinence in Adults

Tse V. Kim S. Shuo M.

Australian Prescriber, Feb 2014, 37:10-3

  1. Incontinence after Prostatectomy : the Artificial Urinary Sphincter
  1. Tse A.R. Stone

British Journal of Urology International , vol 92 (9), 886-889, 2004


  1. Anastomotic Urethroplasty
  1. Spencer V. Tse

BJUI Knowledge, BJU International, module submitted for publication

  1. Latest Status on Slings in Female Urodynamic Stress Urinary Incontinence
  1. Tse A. Ng

BJUI Knowledge, BJU International, published online March 2017


  1. 2007 - “Fingertip Urology”– Section on Urinary Incontinence ( Revised 2009 )

British Journal of Urology International - Internet-based learning program

  1. Chan V. Tse R. Collins K. So

Eds. F. Gardiner, J. Fitzpatrick

  1. 2000 - Genital Examination of the Male

Education Video For the Graduate Medical Program

Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney ( Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Suzanne Abraham )


  1. 2014-2015 External Assessor for Grants – National Health and Medical Research Council ( NHMRC )

  2. 2010 Honours Thesis for Ms Olivia Rushkin – Final Year GMP Medical Student (co-supervisor)

“Coping Styles and Anxiety Traits in Overactive Bladder Patients Who are Refractory to Intravesical Botulinum Toxin Therapy”

  1. 2010 Prostate Cancer – Your Guide to the Disease, Treatment Options and Outcomes

By Associate Professor Prem Rashid
3rd edition, 2010, ISBN : 978-0-646-52575-4,
Published by Uronorth Group, Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia

  1. 2007 Examiner, Master of Medical Science Thesis

By Ms Helen Lord

“A randomized controlled equivalence trial comparing tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) with Suprapubic urethral support sling ( SPARC )”
University of Western Australia, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

  1. 2009 e-Journal Review – ADVANCES IN UROLOGY

“Behavioral Intervention Versus Pharmacotherapy Or Their Combinations In The Management Of Overactive Bladder Dysfunction”
Khanh Tran Robert M. Levin Shaker A. Mousa

Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Rensselare, New York, USA

  1. 2006 Bladder Care – A Self Help Guide ( 2nd Edition ) by Dr. Prem Rashid


  1. On Urinary Incontinence November 21, 2018
    Interviewed by Mr Anthony Lee, Chinese National Radio 2 AC, Ultimo, Sydney

  2. ABC 702 National Radio June 29, 2015
    In Nightlife, by Tony Delroy : “Don’t Suffer in Silence – Management of Incontinence” for World Continene Week, on behalf of USANZ

  3. Renal and Urology News September 12, 2013 ( Edited in New York City )
    In Repeated Botox Injections is Okay for NNOAB
    http : //www.renaland urologynews.com

  4. Australian Doctor Aug 30, 2012
    In Botox Given Greenlight for Incontinence

  5. Australian Financial Review 1 July 2005
    In Anderson’s Only Cure Was His Resignation

  6. Sydney Morning Herald , 23 February 2006
    In Troubled Waters, WomensHealth, Health In Focus


Neurourology and Urodynamics
Journal of Urology
British Journal of Urology International
World Journal of Urology
Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports ( Springer , US ) – current Section Editor
Australia and NZ Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology


  1. Substitution Urethroplasty : Long-term Outcomes from an Australian Centre
    Al-Hakeem Y Chung A Chung B Tse V
    LUTS, 2019, May 7, e-pub, https://doi.org/10.1111/luts.12265

  2. Effects of Pelvic Extirpative Surgery on Bladder Function
    Spencer K Tse V
    Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports, 2019, in progress

  3. Pelvic Floor Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Sling Complications
    Chan L Tse V
    World Journal Of Urology , 2018, 36 (5): 753-759

  4. Mid-term Outcomes of a Male Retro-urethral, transobturator synthetic sling for Treatment of Post-prostatetcomy Incontinence: Impact of Radiotherapy and Storage Dysfunction
    Habashy D Losco G Tse V Collins R Chan L
    Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2017, 26 (4), 1147-1150

  5. Management of Bladder Neck Stenosis and Urethral Stricture and Stenosis following Treatment for Prostate Cancer.
    Nicholson H Al-Hakeem Y Maldonado J Tse V
    Translational Andrology and Urology , 2017, Vol 6 ( suppl 2 ), S92-102

  6. A Case of Bladder Calculi in Generalised Intermediate Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa
    CE Gollins V Tse DF Murrell
    Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, submitted for publication, April 2017

  7. Voiding Dysfunction in Older Men
    Chung A Noguchi N Chan L Tse V
    Current Opinions in Urology, March 2016, 26 (2), p 177–183

  8. Conjoint USANZ and UGSA Guidelines for the Management of Non-neurogenic Overactive Bladder
    Tse V King J Dowling C English S Gray K Millard R O’Connell H Pillay S Thavaseelan J
    BJU International, Volume 117, Issue 1, pages 34–47, January 2016

  9. Intravesical OnabotulinumtoxinA Injection for Overactive Orthotopic Ileal Neobladder: Feasibility and Efficacy
    Hoag, N Tse, V Wang, A Chung, E Gani, J
    International Neurourology Journal, 2016, 20(1), 81-85

  10. Eight-Year Experience With Botulinum Toxin Type-A Injections for the Treatment of Nonneurogenic Overactive Bladder: Are Repeated Injections Worthwhile?
    Kim, S Habashy, D Pathan, S Tse, V Collins, R Chan, L
    International Neurourology Journal, 2016, 20(1), 40-46

  11. Botulinum Toxin ( OnabotulinumToxinA ) in the Male Non-neurogenic Overactive Bladder : Clinical and Quality of Life Outcomes
    Habashy D Losco G Tse V Collins R Chan L
    BJU International , e-published July 2015

  12. Pelvic Irradiation and Its Effects on the Lower Urinary Tract: A Literature Review
    Cristiano Mendes Gomes Ricardo Vita Nunes Vincent Tse
    Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports, Sub-section “Post-prostatectomy and Acquired Voiding Dysfunction”,September 2015, 10(3): 295-302, Springer, New York,

  13. Botulinum Toxin ( OnabotulinumToxinA ) in the Non-neurogenic Overactive Bladder : Clinical and Quality of Life Outcomes
    Losco G Habashy D Tse V Collins R Chan L
    BJU International, e-published 2/3/2015

  14. Pathophysiology and Animal Modeling of Underactive Bladder
    Tyagi P Smith PP Kuchel GA de Groat WC Birder LA Chermansky CJ Adam RM Tse V Chancellor MB Yoshimura N
    Int Urol Nephrol. 46 Suppl 1:S11-21, Sept 2014

  15. Clinical Outcome in Male Patients With Detrusor Overactivity with Impaired Contractility (DOIC)
    Liu S Chan L Tse V
    Int Neurourology J, 18(3) : 133-37, Sept 2014

  16. Urodynamic Testing: Physiological Background, Setting-Up, Calibration and Artefacts
    Raz O Tse V Chan L
    BJU International, 114 suppl 1 : 22-8, Nov 2014

  17. Durability of MemokathTM Urethral Stent For Stabilisation of Recurrent Bulbar Urethral Strictures – Medium Term Results
    Wong E Tse V Wong J
    BJU International, 113, suppl 2, 35-39, 2014

  18. Practical Uroflowmetry
    Jarvis T Chan L Tse V
    BJU International. 2012 Dec; 110, Suppl 4: 28-29

  19. Transurethral Prostate Resection in Patients with Hypocontractile Detrusor – What is the Predictive Value of Ultrastructural Detrusor Changes?
    Blatt AH Brammah S Tse V Chan L
    J Urol, 2012 Dec; 188(6) : 2294-9

  20. Diagnosing Detrusor Sphincter Dyssynergia In The Neurological Patient
    Bacsu CD, Chan L, Tse V. (2012)
    BJU International. 2012 Apr;109 Suppl 3:31-4

  21. Outlet Obstruction After Sling Surgery
    Tse, V., Chan, L. (2011)
    BJU International. 108(Suppl 2), 24-28.

  22. Spontaneous Bladder Rupture in a Patient With Adult Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Without Bladder Diverticulae
    De Leon, J., Ng, W., MacGregor, R., Tse, V. (2011)
    Urotoday International Journal. 4(3), Article 29.

  23. Botulinum Toxin A (BTX-A) in refractory non-neurogenic overactive bladder: A prospective review of intermediate-term quality of life outcome assessment
    Chung, E., Lee, B., Tse, V., De Leon, J., Chan, L. (2011)
    Pelviperineology. 30(3), 81-83.

  24. What's new in pelvic floor medicine: An urologist's perspective
    Tse, V
    Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal. 17, 36-38. 2011

  25. Urodynamics in the Octogenarian Female : Is It Worthwhile ?
    S Bromage V Tse T Dorkin L Chan
    International Urogynaecology Journal, e-published ahead of print, June 2010

  26. Mid-urethral Synthetic Slings in the Treatment of Urodynamic Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Without Concomitant Pelvic Prolapse Repair: 4-year Health-related Quality of Life Outcomes
    E Chung V Tse L Chan
    BJU International 2010, Feb; 105 (4) : 514-7

  27. Mid-urethral Synthetic Slings in the Treatment of Urodynamic Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Without Concomitant Pelvic Prolapse Repair: 4-year Health-related Quality of Life Outcomes
    E Chung V Tse L Chan
    Urotoday, Nov 2009, e-publication

  28. Assessment of Post-prostatectomy Incontinence

  1. Tse
    Pelviperineology 2008, 27 (2), 43
  1. Structural-functional Correlation in Bladder Dysfunction : Is There a Role For Detrusor Ultrastructural Analysis?
  1. Blatt L. Chan V. Tse
    Pelviperineology 2007 ; 26 : 33-37
  1. Unrecognised Bladder Perforation During Placement of Suburethral Synthetic Sling : A Minimally Invasive Technique for Removal of Intravesical Sling Segment
  1. Chan V. Tse
    BJU International, 95, 187-188, 2005
  1. Long-term Results of Suprapubic Bladder Neck Closure for Treatment of the Devastated Outlet
    R.C. O’Connor E.C. Stapp S.M. Donnellan R.M. Hovey V.W.M. Tse A.R.Stone
    Urology, 66(2) : 311-315

  2. Re : New Surgical Technique for Sphincter Urinary Control System Using Upper Transverse Scrotal Incision by Wilson, SK, Delk JR, Henry GD, Siegel AL.

  1. Stone M. Nguyen V. Tse
    Journal of Urology, 170, 550-1, August 2003
  1. Adrenocortical Oncocytomas : benign or malignant ?
  1. Landau V. Tse S. Ehsman
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 2004; 74: 390
  1. The Application of Ultrastructural studies in the Diagnosis of Bladder Dysfunction in a Clinical Setting
  1. Tse E. Wills G. Szonyi M. Khadra
    Journal of Urology, 2000, Vol 163 : 535-539
  1. Radiation Exposure in Urology : Should We Protect Our Thyroids ?
  1. Tse J. Lising M. Khadra L. Yeaman R. Nugent M. Mulcahy
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 1999, 69 ( 12 ) : 847-848
  1. Bladder in Massive Inguinoscrotal Hernia Causing Acute Renal Failure
  1. Yang V. Tse A. Cameron-Strange A. Matthews
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 2003; 73(12): 1063-4
  1. Nephrogenic Adenoma of the Bladder in Renal Transplant and Non-renal Transplant Patients : A Report of 22 Cases
  1. Tse M. Khadra J. Boulas D. Eisinger A. Mitterdorfer J. Rogers
    Urology 1997 Nov; 50 (5) : 690 - 696
  1. Concurrent Colonic Adenocarcinoma and Two Ileal Carcinoids in a 72 year old Male : A Case Report
  1. Tse W. Adams A. Lochhead D. Tindal
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery 1997 Oct; 67 : 739-741


  1. Roles of Urodynamics In the Assessment of Post Radical Prostatectomy Incontinence: Do Findings Change Patient Management?
    Cheng J Patel A Tse V Chan L
    Neurourol Urodyn, Aug 2016, 35 : Issue S4 : 96

  2. Underactive Bladder (Uab) Symptoms And Voiding Parameters In Elderly Community-Dwelling Males With 5 Year Followup
    Chan L Tse V Chung A Naganathan V Cumming R
    J Urol , 2016, 195: Issue 4, Supplement, Page e487

  3. Clinical And Quality Of Life Outcomes In Male Non-Neurogenic Overactive Bladder Managed With Intra-Detrusor Botulinum Toxin Type A: An 8 Year Experience
    Losco G1, Habashy D1, Tse V1, Collins R1, Chan L1
    Neurourol Urodyn, 2014, Abstract 649

  4. The Role Of Transperineal Ultrasound In Evaluation Of The Failed Male Transobturator Sling : Separating Technical Failure From True Failures
    Lewis Chan Vincent Tse Audrey Wang
    Journal of Urology, April 2014, Volume 191, Issue 4, Supplement, e405

  5. Clinical Outcomes in Men With Non-neurogenic OAB following Prostatic Surgery Managed with Intravesical Onabotulinumtoxin A Injection
    G Losco D Habashy V Tse R Collins L Chan
    BJU International, 2014, 113, suppl 4 : 12

  6. Endoscopic Young-Dees Incision for Recurrent Bladder Neck Stenosis after Radical Prostatectomy
    V Tse J Wong
    BJU International, 2014, 113, suppl 4 : 140

  7. The Role of Transperineal Ultrasound in Evaluation of the Failed Male Trasobturator Sling – Separating Technical Failure from True Failures
    L Chan V Tse A Wang
    BJU International , 2014, 113, suppl 4 : 29

  8. Comparison of Ultrasound and Fluoroscopic Imaging for Urodynamics
    L Chan V Tse
    BJU International, 2010, Vol 105, suppl 1 : 6

  9. Ultrastructural Detrusor Changes in Neurogenic and Non-nuerogenic Overactive Bladder – Towards a Common Mechanism?
    S Brammah L Chan V Tse E Wills
    BJU International, 2010, Vol 105, suppl 1 : 13

  10. Myogenic Basis of Detrusor Overactivity : Correlation With Ultrastructural Findings in Non-neurogenic and Neurogenic Overactive Human Detrusor
    S Brammah L Chan V Tse E Wills
    Neurourology and Urodynamics 2009, 28 (7) : 809

  11. Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) Repair and Mesh – Are They Compatible in the Elderly?
    V Tse K So
    BJU International 2009, 103, suppl 1, 17

  12. Three-year Quality of Life Outcome on Midurethral Synthetic Sling in the Treatment of Urodynamic Female Stress Incontinence
    E Chung L Chan V Tse
    BJU International 2009,103, suppl 1, 30-31

  13. The Predictive Value of Ultrastructural Detrusor Changes For Clinical Outcome in Patients with Detrusor Hypocontractility
    A Blatt S Brammah E Wills V Tse L Chan
    J Urol, 2008, Vol 179 (4): 540

  14. Mesh Repair of High Stage Pelvic Organ Prolapse – The Concord Hospital Experience with Quality of Life Assessment

  1. Tse K. So
    BJU International 2008, 101, suppl 1, 20
  1. Urinary Incontinence Post-radical prostatectomy: Is Urodynamics Necessary?
  1. Wang L. Chan V. Tse R. Collins
    BJU International 2008, 101, suppl 1, 11
  1. Radiation Exposure During Pregnancy: Friend or Foe?
    A.Wang L. Chan V. Tse
    J Urol, 2007, Vol 177 (4) : 593

  2. Myogenic Basis of Detrusor Overactivity : Correlation of Gap Junctional Protein Expression and Ultrastructural Features in the Overactive Human Detrusor

  1. Brammah L. Chan V. Tse E. Wills
    J Urol, 2007, Vol 177 (4) : 326
    BJU International, 2008, 101, suppl 1 : 5
  1. Botulinum Toxin A (BTX-A) in Refractory Non-neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction : a Prospective Review with Quality of Life Assessment
  1. Tse L. Chan R. Collins K. So B.C. Lee
    BJU International, 2007, 99, suppl 2: 2
  1. Urinary Incontinence Post Radical Prostatectomy : Is Urodynamics Necessary?
  1. Wang L. Chan V. Tse R. Collins
    BJU International, 2007, 99, suppl 2: 11
  1. Urodynamics in the Octogenarian : Is it Worthwhile ?
  1. Tse S. Bromage L. Chan T. Dorkin
    Neurourology and Urodynamics, Vol 25 (6), 636-637
    BJU International, 2006, 97,s3,35
  1. Gap junctional protein expression in the unstable human detrusor
    Yin JL, Chan LW, Tse V, Brammah S, Wills E.
    J Urol 169(4): 317, 2005

  2. Ultrastructural Basis of Detrusor Instability and Sensory Urgency : Towards a
    Common Mechanism

  1. Tse E. Wills G. Szonyi M. Khadra
    Journal of Urology, 1999, 161 (4) : 254
  1. Detrusor Ultrastructure in Bladder Outlet Obstruction : Is there a Role for Electron Microscopy in its Diagnosis ?
  1. Tse E. Wills G. Szonyi M. Khadra
    European Urology 1999 ; 35 (suppl 2) : 95


Roles Of Urodynamics In The Assessment Of Post Radical Prostatectomy Incontinence: Do Findings Change Patient Management?
Cheng J1, Patel A2, Tse V1, Chan L1
International Continence Society Annual Meeting, Tokyo Japan September 2016

Four-year Quality of Life Outcome Data on Mid-urethral Synthetic Slings in the Treatment of Urodynamic Female Stress Incontinence Without Concomitant Pelvic Prolapse Repairs
E Chung V Tse Chan L
International Urogynaecology Association Annual Meeting
Erba Villa, Como, Italy, June 2009

Prolapse Mesh Repair and the Elderly : Are They Compatible ?
V Tse K So
Annual Meeting, Geriatric Urological Society,
American Urological Association, Orlando, Florida, May 2008

Mesh Repair in High Stage Pelvic Organ Prolapse : Review of Anatomical and Functional Outcome
V Tse K So
Annual Meeting, Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hong Kong, March 2008

The Use of Botulinum toxin A in Refractory Non-neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction : A Prospective Review with Quality of Life Assessment
V Tse L Chan R Collins K So BC Lee
Annual Meeting, Urological Society of Australian and New Zealand, Adelaide, Feb 2007

Myogenic basis of detrusor overactivity: Correlation of gap junctional protein expression and ultrastructural features in the overactive human detrusor
Brammah S Chan L Tse V Wills E
American Urological Association, Annual Meeting, Anaheim USA 2007

Urodynamics for the Octogenarian : Is it Worthwhile?

  1. Bromage T. Dorkin L. Chan V. Tse
    Annual Meeting, International Continence Society, Christchurch, New Zealand, Nov 2006
    Annual Meeting, British Association of Urological Surgeons, Manchester, UK, June 2006

Ultrastructural Study of Detrusor Muscle Junctions in Patients with Poor Bladder Compliance

  1. Brammah L. Chan V. Tse E. Wills
    American Urological Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas , May 2005
    Ultrapath XII Conference, Barcelona, Spain 2004

Ultrastructural Detrusor Changes and Clinical Outcome in Patients with Detrusor Hypocontractility

  1. Collins L. Chan V. Tse S. Brammah E. Wills
    American Urological Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas , May 2005

The Value of Bladder Wall Thickness Measurement in the Assessment of Voiding Dysfunction

  1. Chan J. Titus V. Tse R. Collins
    American Urological Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas , May 2005

Tension Free Vaginal Tape ( TVT) and Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency : Are They Compatible?

  1. Karpman V. Tse P. Wagner S. Generao A. Stone
    International Continence Society, Florence, Italy, October 2003
    Western Section, AUA, Las Vegas, November 2003

Correlation of Gap Junctional Protein Expression (Connexin-43) and Ultrastructural Features in the Unstable Human Detrusor

  1. Tse J. Yin L. Chan C. McLachlan
    32nd International Continence Society, Heidelberg, Germany, 2002

Management of Pelvic Fracture Urethra Distraction Defect ( PFUDD) Injuries and Its Outcome

  1. Wong V. Tse H. Lau M. Drummond R. Turner-Warwick
    5th Asian Congress on Urology, Beijing, China, 2000

Clinical Application of Ultrastructural Studies in the Diagnosis of Bladder Dysfunction
M.Khadra V. Tse G. Szonyi E. Wills
29th International Continence Society, Tampere, Finland, 1999


2019 Conjoint 3rd Functional Urology Symposium ( FUS ) and 14th Pan-Pacific Continence Society (PPCS)
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Sydney, Australia, July , 2019

USANZ Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Female and Functional Urology Workshop

2018 2nd USANZ Pelvic Organ Prolapse Workshop
Concord Hospital, University of Sydney, August 11

Functional Urology : “From Benchtop to Surgery”
Macquarie University, Sydney, March 10

2017 2nd USANZ Functional Urology Symposium
Crown Promenade Hotel, Melbourne, to be held on July 29-30
( Guests : Professor Michael Kennelly, University of North Carolina, USA and Professor Bilal Chughtai, Weill-Cornell University, New York, USA )

2015 Interactive Urethroplasty Workshop with Professor Sanjay Kulkarni
Macquarie University Hospital, October 11, Sydney

1st USANZ Functional Urology Symposium
Sheraton on the Park, Sydney, July 2015
( Guest : Professor Sender Herschorn, University of Toronto, Canada )

2014 Continence Foundation of Australia, NSW Inaugural 1st Annual Meeting
Menzies Hotel , Sydney, April 2014

2013 Pelvic Organ Prolapse Live Surgery Workshop
Department of Urology, Macquarie University Hospital
( Guest : Professor Jan Paul Roovers, AMS, Amsterdam, the Netherlands )

2006 Pelvic Organ Prolapse Live Surgery Workshop
Department of Urology, Concord Hospital
( Guest : Professor Anthony Stone, Sacramento, UC Davis Medical Centre, USA )


2019 Korean Continence Society (KCS) Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, September 2019
Mentor , cadaver workshop on AMS 800 and Urodynamics Workshop

2019 TCS/PPCS Urodynamic Workshop
Co-chair, Taiwanese Continence Society, National Taiwan University, Taipei, March 2019

Co-chair, Asia Regional Advisory Board, Astellas, Seoul, Korea, February 2019

2018 38th SIU Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, October 2018
Co-chair and Speaker, Video Master Class III

American Urological Association, San Francisco, May 2018
Co-chair , Moderated Poster Session MP 79, “Non-neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction II”

2017 International Continence Society ( ICS ) Annual Scientific Meeting ( e-poster session )
Florence, Italy

13th Pan Pacific Continence Society Annual Meeting (PPCS)
Seoul, South Korea

112th American Urological Association Annual Meeting
Moderator, Non-neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction Session, Boston, USA ( unable to attend )

70th USANZ Annual Scientific Meeting
Chair, Functional Urology Session, Canberra, Feb 2017

2016 4th Asia-Pacific Urology Consortium, Busan, South Korea
Expert Panelist, Management of Male LUTS

2015 13th Urological Association of Asia Annual Meeting, Shanghai, China
Speaker and co-chair, Management of Famale Sling Obstruction and Erosion

2014 3rd Asia-Pacific Urology Consortium on LUTS and Prostate Cancer
Panel Member, Case-discussion Session, Seoul, South Korea, June 2014

Botulinum Toxin Workshop in Non-Neurogenic Detrusor Overacitvity
Chair, Brisbane, March 2014

Moderator : Female Urology Section
AUA/USANZ Joint Symposium, USANZ Brisbane, March 2014

2013 Botulinum Toxin in Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity Seminar
Chair, Four Seasons Hotel , Sydney, August 2013

2012 International Continence Society Annual Meeting, Beijing, China
Chair, Podium Poster session on Female stress incontinence

Urological Society of Australian and New Zealand, Annual Meeting, Darwin
Chair, Scientific Session on Incontinence

2010 International Society for Pelviperineology Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria
Chair, Scientific Session on Female Urology

Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand, Annual Meeting, Perth
Chair, Plenary Session on Female Incontinence

1st Asia-Pacific Urology Consortium, Nagasaki, Japan
Plenary Session on BPH

2009 Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand, Annual Meeting, Gold Coast
Plenary Session on Female Incontinence

2008 AAVIS Annual Meeting, 2008, Venice, Italy
Scientific Session



  1. 13 th Pan Pacific Continence Society Annual Meeting
    Live Surgery Simulation, Hualien, Taiwan, October 2018

  2. 2nd Allergan Global Indication Meeting
    Speaker and Workshop Co-chair, Tobacco Dock, London, UK, March 2017

  3. Pelvic Floor Ultrasound Workshops

American Urological Association Annual Meeting, May 2016, San Diego, USA

Urological Association of Asia Annual Meeting, August 2016 , Singapore

  1. 2nd International Symposium for the Underactive Bladder, CURE-UAB 2.0
    Invited Speaker, Denver, Colorado, Dec 2015 , USA ( Unable to attend )

  2. Facilitator : “Fellows’ Surgical Anatomy & Cadaver Workshop”
    American Urogynecological Society (AUGS) and International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) Conjoint Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, July 2014

  3. Pathophysiology Working Group Member,
    “1st International Symposium for the Underactive Bladder, CURE-UAB 1.0 ”
    North Bethesda, Maryland, USA, Feb 2014

  4. “Hands-On Pelvic Floor Ultrasound Workshop”
    Approved by the American Urology Association for AUA 2013, San Diego, USA

  5. “Pelvic Floor Ultrasound and Urodynamics”
    American Urological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, May 2012

  6. Urodynamics and Female Incontinence Workshop
    International Continence Society and Phillippine Urological Association Annual Meeting
    Dusit Thani Hotel, Manila, The Phillippines, November 30, 2012

  7. Urodynamics Workshop
    Division of Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 20th October 2012

  8. ‘Complications of Mesh in Prolapse Surgery’
    Workshop, International Urogynaecological Association (IUGA) Annual Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, June 2007


  1. Complex SUI and OAB : How can Urologists Collaborate with Urogynaecologists ?
    Faculty, Urogynaecological Society of Australasia Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Mar 2017

  2. Pelvic Floor Ultrasouund Workshop
    Faculty, 70th USANZ Annual Meeting, Canberra, Feb 2017

  3. Botulinum Toxin Workshop
    Faculty, 70th USANZ Annual Meeting , Canberra , Feb 2017

  4. “Slings : From Simple to Salvage” – Live Surgery Workshop
    Pre-Congress Workshop, 3rd Urogynaecological Society of Australasia Annual Meeting, Sydney, March 2013

  5. Post-prostatectomy Incontinence Workshop
    12th Australasian Prostate Cancer Symposium, Melbourne, August 2012

  6. ‘Anatomy of Complications’ Urology Workshop
    Facilitator - USANZ and RACOG, Perth, Western Australia, 2007 - 2008


  1. Complex Urethral Diverticulum : Dorsal Approach
    38th SIU Annual Meeting, Video Masterclass III, Seoul, Korea, October 2018

  2. The Transvaginal Mesh Fiasco in Australia : Whose Fault is it and Lessons Learnt ?

World Chinese Urology Society (WCUS), AUA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, May 2018

Colorectal Surgical Summit, Hilton Sydney, November 2018

  1. Robotic Radical Prostatectomy : Is it Really that Good ?
    Continence Foundation of Australia, NSW Annual Section Meeting, Sydney, May 2018

  2. Modern Management of the Cystocele : Factors to Consider in Optimising Outcome
    Asian School of Female Urology Lecture (ASFU)
    15th Urological Association of Asia Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, August 2017

  3. What is the Best Option for Female Stress Incontinence ?
    Reconstructive and Female Urology Plenary Session
    15th Urological Association of Asia Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, August 2017

  4. The 20th Anniversary of the Mid-Urethral Sling : Is it Worth Celebrating ?
    Hong Kong Urogynaecology Association (HKUA) Annual General Meeting
    Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong, August 2017

  5. Diagnostic Options and Urodynamics in Male and Female LUTS
    5th Asia Pacific Urology Consortium 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2017

  6. Maximising Continence Post-Radical Prostatectomy
    World Chinese Urological Society, AUA Annual Meeting, Boston , USA , May 2017 (unable to attend )

  7. 20 Years Of the Mid-urethral Sling : Lessons Learnt
    13th Pan Pacific Continence Society Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, October 2016

  8. Challenges in the Management of Overactive Bladder
    4th Asia Pacific Urology Consortium, Busan, South Korea, January 2016

  9. Salvage Surgery For Recurrent SUI After Mid-urethral Sling Failure
    Societe Internationale d’Urologie Annual Meeting (SIU), Melbourne, Australia, Oct 2015

  10. Management of Female Sling Obstruction and Erosion
    13th Urological Association of Asia Annual Meeting, Shanghai, China, Sept 2015

  11. The Underactive Bladder (UAB)
    Urogynecological Society of Australasia Annual Meeting, Sydney, March 2015

  12. Management of Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence
    Honorary Visiting Surgeon, Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong, January 2015

  13. Management of Overactive Bladder in the Frail Elderly
    3rd Asia Pacific Urology Consortium, Seoul, South Korea , June 2014

  14. Post-prostatectomy Incontinence : Assessment and Management
    Continence Foundation of Australia in NSW Annual Meeting, Sydney, April 2014

  15. 15 Years of Mid-Urethral Sling : Lessons Learnt
    USANZ Annual Meeting, Brisbane, March 2014

  16. The Mid-Urethral Sling : The Bad and The Ugly
    USANZ Western Section Annual Meeting, Broome, WA, October 2013

  17. The Failed Mid-Urethral Sling : What Next ?
    USANZ Western Section Annual Meeting, Broome, WA, October 2013

  18. Contemporary Management of the Overactive Bladder
    USANZ Western Section Annual Meeting, Broome, WA, October 2013

  19. “Therapeutics of the Overactive Bladder”
    Invited by University of Technology, Sydney, Department of Pharmacy, September 2013 ( unable to attend )

  20. ‘ Management of Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence’
    Australian Chinese Medical Association, Macquarie University Hospital, Sydney, July 2013

  21. ‘Management of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in the Elderly : A Streamlined Approach’
    NSW Geriatrics and Rehabilitation Medicine Clinical Weekend, Sydney, May 2013

  22. ‘Salvage Surgery for the Failed Mid-urethral Sling’
    Pre-Congress Workshop, 3rd Urogynaecological Society of Australasia Meeting, Sydney, March 2013

  23. “ICS Classification & Terminology” and “Refractory Overactive Bladder”
    International Continence Society Workshop, Manila, The Phillippines, November 2012

  24. ‘Urodynamics for Gynaecologists’
    Sling Workshop, Macquarie University Clinic, Sponsored by American Medical Systems, 2012

  25. ‘Male LUTS : Questionnaires and Assessment Tools’
    2nd Asia-Pacific Urology Consortium, November 2011, Sapporo, Japan

  26. ‘LUTS After Radical Prostatectomy : Evaluation and Management’
    1st Australasian BPH Symposium, Hilton Hotel, Sydney, July 2011

  27. ‘Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain in Men’
    Annual Pelvic Pain Seminar, Royal Hospital for Women, University of NSW, February 2011

  28. ‘Update on Management of OAB’
    International Society for Pelviperineology Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, September 2010

  29. ‘Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse – Urologist’s View’
    Scientific Symposium, Singapore Urology Fair, Singapore Urological Association, 2010

  30. ‘Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain in Men’
    Annual Pelvic Pain Seminar, Royal Hospital for Women, University of NSW, February 2010

  31. ‘Pharmacotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – Where is the Evidence?’
    1st Asia-Pacific Urology Consortium, January 2010, Nagasaki, Japan

  32. ‘Taming the Overactive Bladder in the 21st Century’
    OAB Masterclass Symposium, Fullerton Hotel, Singapore, November 2009

  33. ‘Drug Therapy for the Overactive Bladder’ and ‘Drug Therapy for Men’
    AAVIS 11th , Sheraton Noosa, Queensland, July 2009

  34. ‘Geriatric Incontinence – Practical Tips for the Busy GP’
    Australian Chinese Medical Association, Sydney, May 2009

  35. ‘Conservative Management of Functional Lower Urinary Tract Disorders’
    NSW College of Nursing, Sydney, May 2009

  36. ‘Botulinum Toxin in Urology’
    Annual Neurophysiology Symposium, Australian Association of Neurologists, Park Hyatt Hotel, Sydney, November 2008

  37. ‘Clinical Assessment for Post-prostatectomy Incontinence’
    Male Pelvic Floor Symposium, 10th International Collaboration of The Pelvic Floor and AAVIS meeting, Venice, Italy, October 2008

  38. ‘Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse’
    Continence Awareness Week, Concord Hospital, August 2008

  39. ‘Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse’
    9th AAVIS Annual Conference, Sydney, July 2007

  40. ‘The Role of Bioinjectables in Post-prostatectomy Incontinence’
    Male Incontinence Workshop, Annual Meeting, USANZ, Brisbane, 2006

  41. ‘Cystoscopy for the Gynaecologist’
    Association of Ambulatory Vaginal & Incontinence Surgeons (AAVIS), Annual Meeting : 2005 – Present

  42. ‘Bladder Compliance Changes in Acute Spinal Cord Injury’
    Continence Foundation of Australia, Fremantle, Western Australia, November 2005

  43. ‘Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men’
    Coppleson Lecture for RACGP, University of Sydney, Nov 2003

  44. ‘The Neuropathic Bladder’
    Lecture to the Urology Residency Program, University of California, Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, California, August 2002

  45. ‘Aging and the Lower Urinary Tract’
    Invited Speaker, National Workshop on Urinary Incontinence, Westmead Hospital, NSW, August 2001

  46. ‘Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in the Elderly’
    Invited Speaker, Australian Chinese Community Association, Sydney Branch, March 1997


2018 Urethroplasty Workshop
SIU Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, October 2018 ( Course Director : Kurt McCammon )

Operating With Respect
RACS Course, Sydney, July 2018 ( Course Director : Marcus Stoodley )

2017 “Surgeons as Educators”
70th USANZ Annual Meeting, Canberra, Feb 2017

2014 Minimally Invasive Sacrocolpopexy ( Course Director : Drs Matthews and Paraiso )
AUGS-IUGA, Washington, DC, USA, July 2014

2013 Genitourinary Reconstruction Society (GURS) Symposium at AUA
AUA, San Diego, May 2013

2012 Urethroplasty : Principles and Technique
AUA, Atlanta, May 2012

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symposium
UGSA, Melbourne, Mercy Hospital, Oct 2012

2011 Sacral Neuromodulation Cadaver Workshop
Macquarie University Hospital

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symposium
UGSA, Mercy Hospital, Melbourne, Oct 2011

Contemporary Management of Complications of Female Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery
AUA, Washington DC, May 2011


2018 Substitution Urethroplasty : Long-term Outcomes in an Australian Centre
Moderated Poster, 13th PPCS Meeting, Hualien, Taiwan, October 2018

2014 Clinical and Quality of Life Outcomes in Male Non-neurogenic Overactive Bladder Managed with Intraderusor Botulinum Toxin A : an 8 Year Experience
Moderated Poster, International Continence Society Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct 2014
( Dr Ruban Thanigasalam presented on my behalf )

2013 Long-term Functional and Quality of Life Outcome of Repeated Botulinum Toxin A Injection in Non-neurogenic Overactive Bladder : An 8-year Follow-up
Moderated Poster, Societe Interntionale d’Urologie (SIU) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, September 2013

2012 Anxiety Traits and Coping Styles in Drug-refractory Non-neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity
Moderated Poster, USANZ Annual Meeting, Darwin, April 2012 ( FIRST PRIZE, Female Urology Session )

Five Year Functional Outcomes in High Stage Pelvic Organ Prolapse Repair with Mesh in the Elderly
Podium Session, American Urological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, May 2012

The Use Of Botulinum Toxin A In Refractory Non-Neurogenic Overactive Bladder In The Elderly: A Prospective Review Of Intermediate Term Outcome With Quality Of Life Outcome Assessment.
Podium Poster, International continence Society Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, October 2012)

2009 Mesh Use in Pelvic Prolapse and the Elderly : Are They Compatible?
Plenary Session, USANZ Annual Meeting, Brisbane, March 2009

2008 Mesh Repair of High Stage Pelvic Organ Prolapse – The Concord Hospital Experience with Quality of Life Assessment
Poster presentation, USANZ Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, China, Feb 2008

2007 Botulinum Toxin A in Refractory Non-neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction : A Prospective Review with Quality of Life Assessment
Plenary podium, USANZ, Adelaide, February 2007

2006 Urodynamics in the Octogenarian : Is it Worthwhile ?
Podium Session, 36th Annual Meeting, International Continence Society, Christchurch, New Zealand, Dec 2006

2005 Detrusor Ultrastructural Study of in Patients with Poor Bladder Compliance
Poster Session, 100th American Urological Association Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 2005

Detrusor Ultrastuctural Changes and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Detrusor Hypocontractilty
Poster Session, 100th American Urological Association Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 2005

2003 Gap Junctional Protein Expression in the Unstable Human Detrusor
Poster, 98th American Urological Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 2003

Tension Free Vaginal Tape and Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency : Are They Compatible?
Podium Presentation, NSW Section Meeting of Urological Association of Australasia, Terrigal, November 2003

2002 Correlation of Gap Junctional Protein PCR Expression ( Connexin 43 ) and Ultrastructural Features in the Unstable Human Detrusor
Poster Session, 32nd International Continence Society Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany

Detrusor Ultrastructural Study in the Hypocontractile Bladder and Its use in Predicting Treatment Outcome
NSW Section Meeting, Urological Society of Australasia, Bowral

The Identification of Connexin-43 Gap Junctional Protein in the Unstable Human Detrusor Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Poster Presentation, Annual Meeting, Urological Society of Australasia, Perth, Western Australia

2001 The Role of Gap Junctional Proteins in the Pathogenesis of Detrusor Instability
Poster Presentation, 2nd International Consultation on Incontinence, Palais de Congres, Paris, France, July 2001

2000 Detrusor Ultrastructure of the Hypocontractile Bladder
Abstract, Read by Title, presented at the 30th Annual Meeting, International Continence Society, Tampere, Finland

Traumatic Strictures of the Posterior Urethra Managed by Urethroplasty
Podium Presentation, Annual Meeting, Urological Association of Asia, Beijing, China

1999 Ultrastructural Basis of Detrusor Instability and Idiopathic Sensory Urgency :
Towards a Common Mechanism
Moderated Poster Session, 94th Annual Meeting, American Urological Assocoation,
Dallas, Texas, USA ( Included in Highlights Session of Meeting )

Keith Kirkland Presentation, Annual Scientific Meeting, Urological Society of Australasia, Adelaide, South Australia

Clinical Application of Ultrastructural Studies in the Diagnosis of Bladder Dysfunction
Poster Presentation, 29th Annual Meeting, International Continence Society, Denver, Colorado, USA

Detrusor Ultrastructure in Bladder Outlet Obstruction :
Is there a Role for Electron Microscopy in its Diagnosis ?
Podium Session, XIVth Congress of the European Association of Urology,
Stockholm, Sweden

1998 Detrusor Ultrastructural Study in Urodynamic Bladder Outlet Obstruction
Keith Kirkland Presentation, Annual Scientific Meeting, Urological Society of Australasia, Melbourne, Victoria

Radiation Exposure in Urological Surgery - Should We Be Protecting our Thyroids ?
Podium Presentation, Annual Scientific Meeting, NSW Section,
Urological Society of Australasia, Coffs Harbour, NSW

1997 Nephrogenic Adenoma of the Bladder in Renal Transplant and Non-renal Transplant Patients : a Review of 22 Cases
Traumatic Bulbar and Bulbomembranous Urethral Strictures : Review of 34 Cases Treated by Urethroplasty
Podium Presentations, Annual Scientific Meeting, Urological Society of Australasia,
Port Douglas, Queensland


  1. Co-Investigator, Concord Hospital – The Thiravida Trial ( Completed )

  2. Principal Investigator, Concord Hospital - The RESORT-1 Trial
    Sponsored by Astellas

  3. Principle Investigator, Concord Hospital - SOLAR Clinical Trial 2006
    Sponsored by Astellas

  4. Female Bladder Outlet Obstruction : Correlation of Urodynamic and Ultrastructural Features
    A Wang S Brammah L Chan V Tse E Wills
    Department of Urology, Westmead and Concord Hospital
    Department of Anatomical Pathology, Concord Hospital

  5. Detrusor Ultrastructural Study of Patients with Poor Bladder Compliance and Detrusor Hypocontractility (completed)

  1. Brammah R. Collins V. Tse L. Chan
    Departments of Urology and Anatomical Pathology, Concord Hospital, NSW
  1. The Presence Of Connexin-43 Identified By The Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR) In The Unstable Human Detrusor And Its Cross Correlation With Detrusor Urodynamic And Ultrastructural Study (completed)

    1. Zhou V. Tse S. Brammah E. Wills L. Chan
      Institute of Urology, Central Sydney Area Health Service, NSW, Australia
  2. Co-Localisation Of Connexin-43 Expression To Ultrastructurally-Defined Intercellular Junctions in the Unstable Human Detrusor ( Ongoing )

  1. Brammah E. Wills V. Tse L. Chan
    Institute of Urology, Central Sydney Area Health Service, and Departments of Anatomical Pathology, Concord and Westmead Hospitals, Sydney, Australia


2018 Examiner, Honours Project, Mr Nelapati ( Supervisor : Dr Prem Rashid )
University of NSW, Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

2016-present Clinical Associate Professor, University of Sydney

2016-present NSW Urology Teaching, Assessment and Education (TAE) Committee, and Supervisor of Urology Training, USANZ

2013-present NSW/ACT Functional Urology Journal Club - Organiser
Quarterly meetings at Concord Hospital

2012-2013 GMP 2 Examination Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine
Edward Ford Building, University of Sydney

Community Health Talks on Male Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction
Macquarie University, Westmead, and SAN Hospitals, Sydney

2010-2016 Clinical Senior Lecturer, Concord Medical School, University of Sydney

2004-present Lecture to GMP 2 and Examiner
Bladder Physiology and Urinary Incontinence

2008-present Urodynamics Workshop
Co-Convenor, Female Urology SAG, USANZ Annual Meetings

2007 Female Urology Workshop
Convenor, Female Urology and Reconstructive Urology Workshop
Adelaide ASM Feb 2007

Organising Committee

9th AAVIS Meeting, Sydney , July 2007

2006 Convenor
National Surgical Workshop on Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Concord Hospital, Sydney

Master of Surgery Candidature, University of Sydney ( Ms Alison Blatt )

Basic Surgical Training, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

2005 Co-Convenor
National Workshop on Botulinum Toxin in Urology, Sydney

Master of Ceremony
Fund Raising Evening for Prostate Cancer
Department of Urology, Concord Hospital

2004 Participant – Prostate Cancer Awareness “Call-in”
Cancer Council, Sydney, NSW

1998-Current Tutor
Urology medical students, junior officers, and registrars ( Canberra, Concord, Royal Prince Alfred, Prince of Wales Hospitals, & UCD Medical Center, USA )

SCORPIO sessions – Graduate Medical Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney

2002/2003 Visiting Assistant Professor - University of California, Davis

2002 Tutor - Urology Fellowship Examination Candidates

2001 Invited Speaker, National Urinary Incontinence Workshop
Westmead Hospital, Sydney, July 2001

1999 “Urodynamics Club” – Concord Hospital

Master of Ceremony - Fund-raising Operatic evening for the New Children’s Hospital, Westmead

1997 Medical Representative
‘Festival of Nations’ Stand, NSW Section, Continence Foundation of Australia

1996 Assistant - FRACS Examination in Urology, St. George Hospital, Sydney


2000 - 2003 Research Grant from Abbott Australia
$ 12,000 annually for research in the ultrastructural basis of detrusor instability, Institute of Urology, CSAHS

1997 Postgraduate Student Conference Travel Grant
Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney
International Continence Society Annual Meeting, Yokohama, Japan


2016 USANZ Certficate of Merit
For contribution and service to the area of Female and Functional Urology, Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand

2013 First Urologist in Australia to Perform Robotic-assisted Laparoscopic Sacrohysteropexy
September 2013, Strathfield Private Hospital

2014 Centennial Park Pedestrian Crossing
Sucessfully negotiated with Centennial Park Management Trust in Sydney to install a pedestrian crossing for the safety of children and park users, August 2014

2012 Best Poster Presentation in Female Urology
USANZ Annual Meeting, Darwin, April 2012

	Best Poster in section on “Incontinence : Evaluation and Treatment”
	Co-author, AUA Meeting, Atlanta, May 2012

1998 Surgical Registrar Teacher of the Year
Awarded by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons,
Australian Capital Territory Committee, Canberra, Australia

1986 Scholastic Prizes Year 12
Consolation Prize, Latin Reading Competition,
Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney
Barry Prentice Memorial Prize for Latin
Rev. Br. English Memorial Prize for Mathematics
Certificate of Distinction, N.S.W. Westpac Mathematics Competition

1986 Boy’s Singles Runner-up, College Tennis Championships, Year 12

1984 Boy’s Singles and Mixed Doubles Champion, Division A3, Southend Tennis Club, Sydney

1981-1983 Dux of the year ( Years 7,8 and 9 )

Prof Vincent Tse declared on the Monday 17th July 2023 that they did not have any existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations to disclose (NONE).