Workshop Schedule

Rufus Cartwright
Matthew Izett-Kay
Joan Melendez-Munoz
Bruno Deval
Bruno Deval
Jerome Melon
David Atallah
Arvind Vashisht
Natalia Price

Aims & Objectives

180 minutes
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Sacropexy Pelvic Organ Prolapse Laparoscopy
Urology, Urogynaecology and Female & Functional Urology

Laprascopic sacropexy is considered the gold standard procedure for apical prolapse repair. Given the current controversy around vaginal mesh implants, laparoscopy may be the approach of choice for any kind of female genital prolapse. However, many professionals are not familiar with the laparoscopic approach due to limited experience and inability to suture endoscopically.
We aim to offer a preclinical course on key aspects of laparoscopic sacropexy and give a hands-on workshop on laparoscopic suturing and fixation of the mesh in a pelvic model. The delegates will be split into 2 groups. Lectures will cover Anatomical keypoints – Melendez - Procedural steps of sacropexy – Deval - Typical complications – Blaganje - Hysteropexy – Cartwright.